Monday, May 31, 2010

Little Boys ....

My little boys turned 2 last Tuesday. I really don't know where the time as gone.

I sometimes wonder if I don't pay enough attention to him given the circumstances but then I realize:

1. He's a happy little boy
2. He's an inquisitive little boy.
3. He's sociable
4. He will find everyday something new to get into ( I guess that the same as #2)
5. He's included in most of the events except if it's going to be too long of a wait for him.

But when he gives me those heart melting hugs and kisses.. I know that he loves me and that he feels loved.

So to my happy, boisterous, inquisitive little boy.. I say " Happy Birthday" and whisper "Don't grow up too fast"

With this, I've come to realize that every mother borned with guilt.. not being there enough, not having enough money to do things, having to work.. the list grows as your children grows.. So I think and say.. enjoy the moments that you have and cherish the memories that you have made.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Beautiful post! And yes, regardless of circumstances i think that all mothers feel that guilt. But it's unnecessary baggage.
You are doing a wonderful job with both of your children. Pat yourself on the back! Well done.