Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Two more weeks and I'm on holiday.. Can't wait to slow down for a bit and go see my mom and dad..

Immune support breakfas

Healthy Recipes

• Immune support breakfast:
o The modern American diet, which is high in refined carbohydrates,
highly processed foods wreaks havoc with the body’s digestive
and elimination systems. By strengthening the body’s eliminative
function, the functioning of the immune system is also greatly
enhanced. This recipe is to be used 2-4 times a week over a period
of 2 months in order for the effects to be noticeable.
o 4 cups rolled grains (such as oats or barley)
o 2 cups oat bran
o 1 cup dried fruit
o 1 cup sunflower seeds, ground
o 1 cup raw, unsalted nuts, chopped
o 1 cup lecithin granules
o 1 cup flaxseed, ground
o Mix all ingredients well and store in the refrigerator. For each serving,
soak ½ cup dry mixture at least 30 minutes (overnight soaking is
okay) in soy milk, nut milk, rice milk, diluted fruit juice or water.

provided to me by my naturopath: http://www.rockwoodnd.com/