Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm just tired.. maybe it's the grey skies but I have a feeling that it's constantly trying to fit everyone into one day.

I didn't sign up for such a complicated life.. No one prepares you for the worst when you are young.. you think that you married life will be just as great as your parents and that your spouse, as wonderful as they are, is always going to be one step ahead and do what you need to get done before you have to ask.

I didn't sign up for food allergies. I don't understand how a world that has so many different food allergy is so complicated to navigate through! I'm tired of people not understanding that some days I just want to be left alone so I can let my mind wander and not go through the gazillion things that needs to be done.

I just want to pick up my little family move away to some safe haven where no one can get hurt or sick or depress.. Close out the world and it's technology and rest for a while .......................

Hopefully, I will get out of this funk soon.



1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I hear you loud and clear. Try to be kind to yourself right now...I'm praying for you and yours.