Saturday, June 12, 2010

"God Only Gives You What You Can Handle"

Well tonight, I"m not in the best of mood. I found out that my parents were in a bus accident in Switzerland.. They've been enjoying (hopefully) themselves for the past week on this oversea trip.

Frantically, my aunt called me to give me the news and she felt so bad. No one wants to be the bearer of bad news. I called my little sister in case she knew anything, call my older sister and my brother so I could get them to give me the name of the agency they had dealt with.. My Internet for some reason had quit on me this morning.. I got the information spoke to a few people before being connected to my mom.. To my relief, they are safe, battered and bruise, but safe. And for this I am thankful.

Now, I'm left wondering what kind of support they will need when they get home. I'm a six hour drive and with two little kids that keep me extremely busy. So tonight, I'm wondering how come good people always have it the toughest! By now, we figured out that we can handle pretty much anything so why keep pushing it!

Just a thought!

I so wish I had the answer to why these things keep happening.

Take care,



Carolyn said...

I'm so glad to hear that they are okay. I was truly worried when I heard the news.
Like you, I wish I could throw up my hands and say "enough", "no more". Sigh.
You are not alone in all of this. And neither are your parents.
I'm praying for all of you...And hoping for some blessings to come our way :)

Unknown said...

Hi MommaBear! I love that title. That's how I refer to myself too. I found your blog through your comment on Carolyn's blog. Sorry to hear about your parents. Praying for you all.


MommaBear said...

Carolyn.. must be in the genes, that determination to keep going. Humanity is a real wonder.

Cheri.. Thank you for your comments. my parents are sore these days but at least they are home and they are safe..